Bay City Rowing Club

Learn to Row This Year

If you enjoy outdoor activities, strive to improve your fitness, enjoy making new friends, the Bay City Rowing Club is the place for you this year!  BCRC offers Learn to Row classes throughout the rowing season (Spring to Fall)!

Great Lakes Bay Regional High School Rowing

Great Lakes Bay Crew Regional High School Rowing is here!

If you don’t already have a favorite sport, or you want to master another – Rowing may be the one for you!  High school students near Bay City have a great opportunity to challenge themselves both physically and mentally while enjoying the outdoors. Rowing is a sport where ‘teamwork’ means exactly that!   Learning a lifetime sport or preparing for competitive rowing in college can be accomplished in the Bay City Rowing Club’s Great Lakes Bay Crew Regional Youth Rowing Program. Youth who are attending high school in the current year or who will be entering high school in the Fall are eligible to row with the Great Lakes Bay Crew.


Bay City Rowing Club Membership can be yours! 

Have you previously rowed or completed one of our Learn to Row classes in the past? We’d love for you to join us! BCRC’s group rowing sessions, typically held 3 times/week, are among the benefits that come with your BCRC Membership!