Bay City Rowing Club

A HUGE thanks to CJ, who recently put his skills to work upgrading BCRC’s trailer oar carrier. The existing carrier proved to be incredibly helpful, but did not have enough space to hold all of the oars that were needed for our regatta participation. Oars that did not fit the carrier were secured tot he trailer bed, but were in greater danger of being damaged during transportation. Modifying the old carrier, which could transport 10 oars, CJ build a secondary piece that attaches to the original and adds capacity for another 8 oars. Not only does the addition look classy, but it provides much needed addition space to safely secure and move our equipment. Thank you CJ!


Almost all past and ongoing projects at BCRC are the result of volunteer efforts from both members, families and friends. The club could not function without this help, so everyone that has helped in some capacity, we can’t thank you enough! If you are interested in lending your talents to the club, or have a specific project idea that you could work on, please reach out to us through our Contact form.