High School Students Take On Rowing

By Amber Selke Head Coach, Great Lakes Bay Crew As the ice thawed last Spring, the Bay City Rowing Center prepared for a new High School Rowing team and as their coach, my goal was to develop at least an 8. One look in their boathouse and I knew it was possible, there were plenty […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Try Rowing in 2018

Didn’t come up with any good resolutions for 2018? Neither did we…except that we’re going to keep rowing because we love the sport. If you’re like most of us, New Years resolutions are great goals, but not always realistic or sustainable for the entire year. So here are 5 reasons why learning how to row […]
Michigan Club Invitational Results
We’re long overdue to congratulate our Ann Arbor racers for a great regatta! More than racing, regattas are great opportunities to hone our skills, develop friendships and having a good time rowing. The Mixed Novice/Recreational 8+ took 2nd place out of 5 boats with a time of 3:56:7. Crew: Cameron, Michelle, Jim, CJ, Jay, […]
The Oar Carrier Receives a Helpful Upgrade
A HUGE thanks to CJ, who recently put his skills to work upgrading BCRC’s trailer oar carrier. The existing carrier proved to be incredibly helpful, but did not have enough space to hold all of the oars that were needed for our regatta participation. Oars that did not fit the carrier were secured tot he […]
First Regatta of the Year is Under Our Belt!

BCRC recently participated in the first club regatta of the year, The Grand Regatta in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We always look forward to fun times and good competition while racing on the beautiful Grand River. This year, we had four boats participate in various categories. Racing on Sunday got a little windy, but the crews prevailed […]
A Call for Coxswains
BCRC is searching for more coxswains this summer and we need your help! In order to keep a balance boat duties, we need individuals who are willing to train as coxswains. This could include new coxing-only members, or members who are willing to double-dip by rowings some and coxing some. If you are interested, please let […]
Boathouse Cleaning Day is Sat. April 22

The boathouse is in need of some spring TLC, so this Saturday, April 22 from 9 am – noon, members and friends will be gathering at BCRC for a 1/2 day of boathouse clean out. We’ll be turning on the water, housekeeping, prepping boats, organizing equipment, and more for the upcoming season opener. Please come by and help […]
Learn to Row Dates Announced!

We’re excited to announce a new Learn to Row program structure that will better educate and train those interested in trying the sport. We will be offering two 10-week long classes that will both start the first week of June. One class will meet every Tuesday, and the other class will meet every Thursday. Neither class […]
Get Social with BCRC

In addition to checking our new website periodically for helpful information and updates, be sure to follow BCRC on social media channels. We’ll be posting information and updates on Facebook and Instagram, along with beautiful photos from members and participants. Have some photos that you’ve taken in the past? Feel free to share them with […]
Wah Wah Sum Featured in MCFTA Exhibit

The Wah Wah Sum, our trustworthy, iron-clad eight shell, was recently delivered to Midland Center for the Arts. The shell is part of an upcoming exhibit on water-related artwork, photography and artifacts that will run from January 14 through April 2. Some of the exhibit features are: Sandra Gottlieb: October Waves (photography) Water, Rain and […]